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Dungeons and dragons 5e sessie +afspraak 6e

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 10:06 pm
by El muerto
The adventure started in town everyone well rested and ready to go at it again.
This time they went east towords connyberry. On the way they got attacked at night by an owlbear. The giant beast even managed to sneak real close to the 2 characters on watchduty! After a scary combat, with a semi naked paladin, they managed to slay the beast and continue their nap.
1st waypoint in their journey was the house of the Banshee Agatha, where Aria managed to gather the information needed for Garaele in the Shrine of Luck. Then the party went to Old owl well to investigate the rumour of undead roaming the ruins there. The went in to the ruins and got attacked by a bunch of zombies, including a not recently dead ogre. The necromancer who summed these minions wasn't too happy about this but he stopped the attack to talk to the party. He asked to get rid of the Orcs in Wyvern Tor to make sure they wouldnt bother him again, in exchange he would help them with some info.
Agreeing to his demands, they set off towards the cave in Wyvern Tor. There they found an Orc guarding the cave. Bree wanted to play in a pit nearby and thus revealed the party's presence. The Orc ran in and warned his fellow Orc's chieftain and Ogre. It took rezzing, hard blows from the lightning fast hands of the monk and a lot of running to take down all orcs.
Sylvyr looted a nice necklace made out of wolf teeth, gold and some perfume was found by Bree.
Returning to Old owl well to inform the necromancer and to ask for some information, the necromancer sent them away because they kept asking bout his business in the ruins, and he clearly did not want to tell anything about it.
On the way back to town 11 giant mosquito/bat like creatures attacked but the warlock and wizard took care of it in no time.
Back in town they got rewarded by giving free stuff, gold and the honour of joining an order.

Aria joined the Harpers (Title: Watcher), Sylvyr joined the Lord's alliance (Title Cloak, he allso was asked to sit in a order meeting for a possible assault on Old owl well) and Balasar and Ulrick joined the Order of the Gauntlet (Title Chevall)
And Bree and Lidda are trying to form The halfling resistance army (HRA), 20 metal rings (with HRA ingravement) are allready waiting for them in the Lion Shield Coster, And they have their first member in Phandalin (his name is Beshen Banid).

Then they set off to thundertree and passed by Neverwinter to do some shopping (Bree bought a riding Mastiff).

In Thundertree they killed some plantmonsters and ash-zombies while looking for the Herbalist shop where there was supposed to be a necklace worth alot of money.
They found the Druid Reidoth who told them he could help them get to Cragmaw Castle if they helped him get rid of 1 creature in town.
This creature is a GREEN DRAGON!!!!
The End (of this session)

Dus als ik het goe bezien heb is de xp als volgt:
an en jakke hebben 1090xp
pieter 1355xp
jasper 940xp
rest 1440xp
wat wil zeggen dat iedereen lvl 3 is, en das ma goe ook, want ge gaat het nodig hebben!!!
Begint al maar te panikeren, want ge moogt zeker zijn dat er ne draak op u wacht^^

info over uw orders: ... G_EEv1.pdf blz 17-18-19

Volgende sessie is op 6 september

Re: Dungeons and dragons 5e sessie +afspraak 6e

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 3:08 pm
by El muerto
Ter info: jullie hebben een volledige sessie gespeeld met een lvl 2 character terwijl het scenario ervan uitgaat dat je lvl 3 bent, plus ik heb me niet ingehouden, niet slecht :)
Nu zien of je een draak aankan :D

Re: Dungeons and dragons 5e sessie +afspraak 6e

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 8:35 pm
by buizerd
tegen die ork chieftain had het misschien geholpen, maar man, wat een hp had die. niettemin vond ik het een heerlijke sessie, al vreesde ik het ergste met die owlbear. Ik heb wel al een paar ideeen die ik kan opperen bij het begin van de volgende sessie.

Re: Dungeons and dragons 5e sessie +afspraak 6e

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 9:26 pm
by El muerto
Heel goe, ge gaat uw ideeen kunnen gebruiken!
De hps van een mob is meestal het probleem niet, wel de 2d8+4 damage met +7 to hit dat hij doet met 1 attack en het feit dat hij er 2 kan doen elke beurt!